Margaret, the more lady-like of our two cats, is a ferocious hunter. Of yarn balls. You can hear her yowling 2 floors away and then she'll appear before you with a yarn ball in her mouth and spit it out "ptooy." Sort of "see what I killed. I protect you from the evil yarn balls."
Several years ago when we consulted an animal communicator (long story), the A.C. said that Margaret liked to change the energy in the room by moving things around. Sort of a little fung shui with yarn balls.
Last night as I unlocked the front door and walked through the bike parking lot / front hall, I noticed that Margaret had decided the front hall needed a little fung shui. She'd moved her yellow yarn ball to sit beside Kathy's bike. It certainly made me smile! Or maybe that's what she intended -- only couldn't find a yellow smiley face yarn ball!
The ball was still sitting beside the bike and Kathy and I trudged out of the house at 5:30am for some torture at the gym. It's getting better -- I did 25 minutes of cardio on the cross-trainer at levels 3 & 4. I think I was inspired -- I'd dreamt about the ride last night. I dreamed it was already November and there was no way we were ready to bike 165 miles. So it was off to the gym today. Tomorrow morning, a little biking. Hope the yellow yarn ball is still there!
Drive By
11 years ago
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