No, I am not requesting that someone nominate me for TLC's "What Not To Wear." I am merely telling you how NOT to dress for riding a bike. I know that we all hopped on our bikes as kids wearing flip-flops, cotton shorts and a faded vacation t-shirt. Trust me, that's not what I wear now! We've got bike shorts that have padding in the crotch and fanny. You are not supposed to wear them with undies...wearing anything under the short can lead to chafing. Or it could lead to chafing if one were riding more than 2.13 miles. :-) If the skin tight spandex isn't insult enough, the padding brings back memories of diaper wearing. From MANY years ago. Then there's the jersey, the gloves, the socks (no, you can't just wear the same socks you wear to the gym), the sunglasses, the shoes and the helmet. I think I've got a small fortune invested in cycling jerseys and shorts. Some of which are a wee bit snug. (Wee bit...what an understatement! If I managed to pour myself back into the small jersey, I'd be dun-lapping all over. Out the neckline, out the get the picture.)
So now that you know what I wear when cycling, you can imagine how funny I thought the following sight.
Driving home from Costco I see a young man on his bike. He's not wearing any spandex. In fact, he's wearing jeans. (It's 87 degrees here) Baggy jeans. Worn very low. If he were walking, he'd be dragging his hems. So picture that same gentleman in his B A G G Y jeans. Cycling along. When his baggy pants leg gets caught in the chain of his bike. :-) Let's just say he's lucky he didn't fall off the bike....and I am even luckier that the chain didn't drag his pants down any lower then they already were! Perhaps he's planning for a career as a plumber?
Drive By
11 years ago
Hey I think i've seen that same guy riding his bike out here in California. In fact I thought that was bike riding attire. Spandex, we don't see that but the baggy jeans..oh we see plenty of that. I knew that would happen to someone someday...personally I would have been laughin my "bleep" off!!!
what a visual picture that California anything goes even bikini's and that is definitely a site.
Your Godmother
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